Political momentum amidst crisis

There’s a lot that’s happened this week. Midterms and Trump’s press conference meltdown. Another mass shooting. Multiple fires in California. The firing of Jeff Sessions only to be replaced by a shady operator that opposes the Mueller investigation. And oh by the way, on the way out Sessions signed a last minute memorandum limiting the Justice Department oversight of police abuse. Trump suspending all asylum rights for any undocumented immigrants fleeing their country. I’m sure I’m missing more.

Feels like we’re going off a cliff a little bit.

But I do take some heart in the outcome of the midterms. If you just take a moment to breathe, the Democrats took control of the House and seven - yes seven - governorships. Ohio and Florida were heartbreakers - assuming the called results in FL still stand - but were really close, as was of all things, Texas.

I was talking with a good freind of mine, and he got me into a better place by explaining that with those margins, Ohio and Florida are actually flippable in 2020 with the right candidate. Barack Obama won both states both times. But - you really need Ohio, which let’s not forget re-elected Sherrod Brown. if you take the states that Obama won, subtract FL and VA, you still get to 290 votes and a win. So - the issue is less about the fact that OH and FL went slightly Republican this time - the issue is about who will be the candidate that can take these states and flip them to the blue column.

For the record, it is true I natrually gravitate towards Democrats; my views are more often than not closer to Dems than Republicans. But I don’t have a problem with conservatives per se; as I’ve said in a previous post, conservatives - real ones - provide a natural ballast to debate. After all, no one is always right, and everyone can have boneheaded ideas. My problem is the current Republican Party and its support of Trump and Trumpism. And a majority of the country also has a problem with it. Which means in 2020 there’s a real shot at taking this country back from Trump. The 2018 midterms are actually a great start in that direction. Let’s keep that momentum going!

Impeachment should not be a focus

Josh Marshall over at TPM makes a compelling case that if the Democrats take the House this November, that the focus should not be on impeachment.   Rather, the focus of a Democratic House should be investigating the President’s finances and conflicts of interests as well as connections to Russia.  Nutshell is that there will not be enough (if any) Republicans to vote to convict Trump in the Senate.  So a lot of time and effort into a process that will ultimately go nowhere and hand Trump a victory, vs. investigative proceedings that may shed a great deal of light on Trump’s actual dealings.  It’s worth a read.     


I was surprised about how moved I was on hearing the news of the passing of Aretha Franklin.  I don't have too many words, this Time article is lovely, and you should listen in full to her performance of Rock of Ages in the church her father had preached for 33 years.   She sang this as part of an interview by Time magazine.  Here it is:

Rest in peace, Aretha.

The importance of an open mind

I always try to maintain an open mind about my point of view.  Like most people, I’m not always successful in doing so, but I like to think when I have misread a person I am willing to admit it.  (But it took me a month to process and write this post.)  So it was when I became excited about Maria Estrada’s candidacy for the California Assembly, a self styled progressive who says she supports single payer health care, immigrant rights, and labor protections, among other things.  We met her at an event we helped organize to support Tim Canova, a progressive candidate for the House running against Debbie Wasserman Schultz.  We exchanged phone numbers, and stayed in touch, planning to organize a similar event for Maria when the time was right, and ultimately picked a date to have the event.  Some details were still TBD, but it felt like it was going to happen.  Very exciting.

I subsequently learned about her comments about Zionism, “God’s Chosen People”, and her “enjoyment” of Louis Farrakhan’s speeches, and her standing by those comments.  My heart sank into my stomach.  The first thing I thought was “someone put a rhetorical “hit” on Maria - this was crazy”.  But it turned out to be true.  Now, I can understand how people that do not follow Israel closely might confuse Zionism for radicalism - this is not the case, Zionism means support for the state of Israel, not support for right-wing policy and biblical rhetoric that tries to solely claim the Zionist mantle.  She also accused Israel of “genocide” without (to my knowledge) a concurrent condemnation of violence initiated by Hamas, which is a perpetrator of terrorism and also responsible for many deaths.  Even that might be able to be walked back as excessive rhetoric.   (For the record, I oppose Netanyahu’s settlement policy, his approach (or lack thereof) to relationships with the Palestinians, his over-response to the recent Gaza protests.  I’ll have more to write on that in a future post.)  However, there’s zero excuse for citing support for Farrakhan’s speeches, and refusing to back off of that stance.  And that, coupled with her other comments, including getting mad at CA Dem Chair Eric Bauman for not keeping “your party, your religion, and your people in check” really makes me believe that she may not like Jews.

This was a surprisingly difficult moment for me I’ll admit - I was super excited about Maria’s candidacy, and was ready to go all in on it.  I wanted to reach out to Maria and see what was going on, and frankly was ready to step up and defend her if there was some kind of misunderstanding.  We reached out to Maria to respectfully inquire about it - after all, people can be misunderstood, or not quite aware of the impact of their words - but we received no response.  Remember, we were in contact with her over text and messenger to coordinate an event for September.   She did not appear to want to discuss it with us.

This is a non-starter.  Let’s be clear - Louis Farrakhan hates Jews.   His hatred of Judaism is central to his world view, and in his view many of the problems the world is experiencing today is because of Jews.   It is not possible to take “parts” of Farrakhan’s speeches as they are replete with anti-Semitic rationales for the U.S. and the world’s problems.  Anti-Semitism is a feature, not a bug, of Louis Farrakhan.  Karen mentioned to me if we were invite people to a round table about building peace and civil institutions, Farrakhan would not be at that table.

We had hoped to host an event with her to promote progressive values but that will not be happening. I’m still mad, we need progressive candidates who uphold and advocate civil rights for everyone.  And respect for all peoples is core to that goal.  Full stop.


Haleakala Sunrise

We were in Maui and watched the sunrise from the top of Haleakala, about 10,000 feet above sea level.  Three representative pictures below.  (It was flippin' cold too).

Sun is well below the horizon - it was probably at least another half hour before the sun actually came up.  

Sun is well below the horizon - it was probably at least another half hour before the sun actually came up.  

Still below the horizon - you can really see the heavenly rays of light.  

Still below the horizon - you can really see the heavenly rays of light.  

Sunrise at last! 

Sunrise at last!