Valley Dude

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$6.5 Trillion - yes Trillion - unaccounted for by the Army

I literally could not breathe for a second when I saw this.  And it's not me that is saying it - it is the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Defense that is saying this.  Here's the link to the DoD document.  I've also posted it separately to my site as according to this Forbes article from late last year it apparently was taken down before being reposted in a different place.   Key finding from the report:

Think about it for a second.  There was a $6.5 trillion of unspported adjustments to the Army's financial statements in 2015.  The total budget for the Pentagon for 2018 is $700 billion.  Here's a quote from the Forbes article, citing the GAO itself on what an unspported journal voucher adjustments are:

I should note that this article questions whether $21 Trillion of unspported adjustments were made.  I'm "only" referencing the $6.5 Trillion because that's the backup I have.

I really don't know what to say except I'm floored.