I’m angry.

This entire effort to toss Joe Biden from the train has been pushed from the media and scared politicians. Let’s think about this for a moment - there’s one guy who has beaten Donald Trump, and that’s Joe Biden. Biden is an old guy that’s true. And yet it matters whose policy is being implemented at the top - his accomplishments are for the ages. That’s what we elect presidents for. And yet this fear has gripped the Democratic Party, driven in large measure by the New York Times and other major media outlets. Why on earth would you run from such an accomplished track record? Additionally, Biden is a bit of a unicorn, having access to more areas of the electorate than most in either party.

Why is it acceptable for one party to support whatever you want to call the madness that is Trump, but not ok for the other party to figure out a way to win with a guy who is slower but with a great track record and still has good ideas? The election was winnable with Biden - there are smart people who know how to run campaigns. If Trump can overcome the liability that is felonies, Biden can overcome the perception he’s old. Instead the Democratic Party imploded, eating itself for everyone to see.

This is an abject failure of party leadership, integrity, teamwork and vision. Let me tell you I hope I’m not in the foxhole with someone who is willing to jump when there’s trouble.

I’m angry because my vote is being disenfranchised by my own party. Because of where we are, I think the nominee should be Kamala (for another post), and I am going to vote against Donald Trump whoever the nominee is. But I may not be voting as a Democrat any longer.